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이매스교육 및 공지사항


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    식중독균 15분만에 식별 가능 - 유전자 관련 단백질 질량정보 등록 소프트웨어 사용
  • 작성자

  • 첨부파일

식중독균을 약 15분만에 간단히 식별할 수 있는 기술이 개발됐다. 일본 메이조대와 시마즈제작소 등 공동연구팀은 지금까지 식중독이 의심되는 경우라도 식별하는 데 1~2일 걸려왔으나 검사기간을 크게 줄이는 한편 비용도 줄일 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다고 발표했다. (중간 생략)
참고 문헌
Rapid Genus- and Species-Specific Identification of Cronobacterspp. by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Cronobacter spp. are Gram-negative opportunistic food-borne pathogens and are known as rare but important causes of life-threatening neonatal infections. Rapid and reliable identification of Cronobacter species and their differentiation from phenotypically similar, nonpathogenic Enterobacter turicensis, Enterobacter helveticus, and Enterobacter pulveris have become increasingly important. We evaluated here the application of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for rapid genus and species identification of the six Cronobacter species recognized so far. To this end, we developed a reference MS database library that includes 54 Cronobacter target strains as well as 17 nontarget strains. The strains provided reproducible and unique mass spectra profiles covering a wide molecular mass range (2,000 to 30,000 Da). Genus- and species-specific biomarker protein mass patterns were determined. The defined biomarker mass patterns (Spectral Archive and Microbial Identification System [SARAMIS] SuperSpectrum) were validated using 36 strains from various Cronobacter species as well as eight nontarget strains. For all strains the mass spectrometry-based identification scheme yielded identical results as with a PCR-based identification system. All strains were correctly identified, and no nontarget strain was misidentified as Cronobacter. Our study demonstrates that MALDI-TOF MS is a reliable and powerful tool for the rapid identification of Cronobacter strains to the genus and species level.