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전체게시물 48

번호 제   목 조회
48 [Pharmaceuticals] Comparison of ESI– and APCI–LC–MS/MS methods: A case study of levonorgestrel in human plasma 1040
47 [Pharmaceuticals] An Improved LC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination of the Eleven Bioactive Constituents for … 608
46 [Pharmaceuticals] Analysis of Citalopram in Plasma and Hair by a Validated LC MS/MS Method 106
45 [Pharmaceuticals] Development and Validation of LC-MS/MS Method for Determination of Trimipramine Maleate in Human Pla… 112
44 [Pharmaceuticals] A validated LC-MS/MS assay for quantification of 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol in plasma and cerebrospina… 179
43 [Pharmaceuticals] A Simple Protein Precipitation-based Simultaneous Quantification of.. 240
42 [Pharmaceuticals] Determination of Ciprofloxacin in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using HPLC Method with UV Detection 143
41 [Pharmaceuticals] Methods & Validation for N-glycosylation Analysis of Glycoprotein Biopharmaceuticals Using Mass Spec… 367
40 [Pharmaceuticals] 당단백질의약품의 당구조 특성분석 및 규격관리를 위한 가이드라인(안) 302
39 [Pharmaceuticals] Quantitative Analysis of Zopiclone, N-desmethylzopiclone, Zopiclone N-oxide and 2-Amino-5-chloropyri… 174
38 [Pharmaceuticals] Determination of Glimepiride in Human Plasma by Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Tandem… 159
37 [Pharmaceuticals] Biopharmaceutical "Shimadzu Provides Total Solutions for Research and Development into Antibody Drug… 163
36 [Pharmaceuticals] 바이오시밀러(에리스로포이에틴) 특성분석 시험법(재조합의약품 시험법핸… 223
35 [Pharmaceuticals] Thermal Desorption GC/MS 를 이용하여 제약공정에서 잔존 용매를 결정하는 방법 371
34 [Pharmaceuticals] Analysis of inorganic impurities in pharmaceuticals by ICP-MS 157
33 [Pharmaceuticals] Ultrafiltration LC-MS for high throughput screening of natural products to various molecular targets 162
32 [Pharmaceuticals] 당단백질의약품의 당사슬 분석 시험법핸드북 - 식약청 5월23일 615
30 [Pharmaceuticals] Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the determination of vitamins D and K in foods by liq… 107
29 [Pharmaceuticals] An LC/MS/MS method for stable isotope dilution studies of β-carotene bioavailability, bioconversi… 96
28 [Pharmaceuticals] Advances and challenges in analytical characterization of biotechnology products: mass spectrometry-… 82
27 [Pharmaceuticals] Simultaneous Determination and Pharmacokinetic Study of Metformin and Rosiglitazone in Human Plasma … 67
26 [Pharmaceuticals] Analysis of Serotonin using LC-MS-MS 102
25 [Pharmaceuticals] Analysis of desmopressin : Influence of dwell time and number of MRM transitions 80
24 [Pharmaceuticals] 가바펜틴 의 LC/MS/MS를 이용한 생물학적 동등성 및 약물동태 연구 102
23 [Pharmaceuticals] Statistical Considerations for Assessment of Bioanalytical Incurred Sample Reproducibility 69
22 [Pharmaceuticals] Applications of LC–MS Methodology in the Development of Pharmaceuticals 54
21 [Pharmaceuticals] Pharmaceutical LC-MS application 79
20 [Pharmaceuticals] Strategies in quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis of unstable small molecules in biological matrices 103
19 [Pharmaceuticals] Guideline on the investigation of bioequivalence (EMA) 142
18 [Pharmaceuticals] Current Developments in LC-MS for Pharmaceutical Analysis 74
17 [Pharmaceuticals] KFDA 발표자료 - 바이오시밀러 허가의 개요 97