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전체게시물 44

번호 제   목 조회
44 [Environmental Analysis] Pesticides for apicultural and/or agricultural application found in Belgian honey bee wax combs. 697
43 [Environmental Analysis] Development of A Rapid Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for The Determination o… 427
42 [Environmental Analysis] Simultaneous determination of the UV-filters benzyl salicylate, phenyl salicylate, octyl salicylate,… 205
41 [Environmental Analysis] Mixed-mode solid-phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to det… 128
40 [Environmental Analysis] Isolation and Characterization of Carbendazim-degrading Rhodococcus erythropolis djl-11 311
39 [Environmental Analysis] LCMSMS를 이용한 식품에 함유된 농약분석 209
38 [Environmental Analysis] Metabolic Response to Oral Microcystin-LR Exposure in the Rat by NMR-Based Metabonomic Study. 81
37 [Environmental Analysis] 먹는 물 수질 검사항목 운영 지침서 - 환경부 [ 2013년 1월 실시예정] 108
36 [Environmental Analysis] Quantification of steroids and endocrine disrupting chemicals in rat ovaries by LC-MS/MS for reprodu… 76
35 [Environmental Analysis] Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in raw sewage and their behavior in UASB reac… 75
34 [Environmental Analysis] Thiol Derivatization for LC-MS Identification of Microcystins in Complex Matrices 127
33 [Environmental Analysis] Microcystin 의 분석 관련 자료 131
32 [Environmental Analysis] Mycrosystin (Cyanginosin) 에 대한 소개 140
31 [Environmental Analysis] Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins: Information for Drinking Water Systems 103
30 [Environmental Analysis] Comparative Studies on the pH Dependence of DOW of Microcystin-RR and -LR using LC-MS 199
29 [Environmental Analysis] HR-GC/MS 를 이용한 축산물 중 다이오신 분석법 155
28 [Environmental Analysis] 원수중 황화합물 냄새물질 2종의 SPME-GC/MS 분석 조사 180
27 [Environmental Analysis] [최근 이슈] MS spectrometry 를 이용한 분석 가능한 환경 내 신규 오염 물질에 … 158
26 [Environmental Analysis] GC/MS 를 이용한 수질 검사 - 유기질소계 및 유기인계 제초제 분석 218
25 [Environmental Analysis] 잔류농약분석에 이용하는 LCMSMS 169
24 [Environmental Analysis] 오렌지쥬스의 Carbendazim 오염분석 193
23 [Environmental Analysis] Application of GC-TOF mass spectrometry for target and non-target analysis of pesticide residues in … 309
22 [Environmental Analysis] 잔류농약분석에 이용하는 LCMSMS 186
21 [Environmental Analysis] LCMSMS를 이용한 식품에 함유된 농약분석 154
20 [Environmental Analysis] 기구 및 용기포장 이행물질 분석법 해설서 121
19 [Environmental Analysis] 먹는물 수질감시항목 운영지침 180
18 [Environmental Analysis] GC-MS 를 이용한 고분자 재료 중의 포름아미드 정량방법 표준 지침서 264
17 [Environmental Analysis] Quick Method for the Analysis of Residues of numerous Highly Polar Pesticides in Foods of Plant Orig… 119
16 [Environmental Analysis] Comprehensive Pesticide Residue Analysis by LC/MS/MS Using an Ultra Aqueous C18 Column 67
14 [Environmental Analysis] Pharmacokinetics of Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) in the Rat Determined by UPLC-MS/MS 92
13 [Environmental Analysis] Serum profiling by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a diagnostic tool for domoic acid toxicosis in Cal… 77