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전체게시물 312

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152 [Biotechnology] 합성 생물학에서의 무세포 단백질 합성 시스템의 응용(충남대 김동명 교수,… 158
151 [Biotechnology] Unrestrictive identification of post-translational modifications in the urine proteome without enric… 60
150 [Biotechnology] Simultaneous Assessment of Asp Isomerization and Asn Deamidation in Recombinant Antibodies by LC-MS … 81
149 [Biotechnology] Limitations and Pitfalls in Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry 115
148 [Biotechnology] Bottom-up 방식의 protein sequencing 과정 소개 104
147 [Biotechnology] A review of statistical methods for protein identification using tandem mass spectrometry 68
146 [Biotechnology] Surface-activated chemical ionization-electrospray ionization source improves biomarker discovery wi… 69
145 [Biotechnology] Taurine as a marker for the identification of natural calculus bovis and its substitutes. 43
144 [Biotechnology] Higher Resolution Improves Top-Down Protein Identification Results on an Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer … 49
143 [Biotechnology] 프로테오믹스 최신연구동향 보고서 링크 71
142 [Biotechnology] DART 응용 : Quantification of small molecules in plasma with direct analysis in real time tandem m… 198
141 [Biotechnology] Characterization outlines for analysis of peptide, protein, glycoprotein 264
140 [Environmental Analysis] GC-MS 를 이용한 고분자 재료 중의 포름아미드 정량방법 표준 지침서 264
139 [Environmental Analysis] Quick Method for the Analysis of Residues of numerous Highly Polar Pesticides in Foods of Plant Orig… 119
138 [Environmental Analysis] Comprehensive Pesticide Residue Analysis by LC/MS/MS Using an Ultra Aqueous C18 Column 67
136 [Environmental Analysis] Pharmacokinetics of Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) in the Rat Determined by UPLC-MS/MS 92
135 [Environmental Analysis] Serum profiling by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a diagnostic tool for domoic acid toxicosis in Cal… 77
134 [Environmental Analysis] Recent developments in the detection of melamine 62
133 [Environmental Analysis] Ethylenethiourea 물질의 검출 및 분석법에 대한 변화를 알수 있는 논문 자료 세 … 102
132 [Environmental Analysis] 국립환경과학원 고시 화학물질유해성시험방법 자료 90
131 [Environmental Analysis] Concurrent determination of bisphenol A pharmacokinetics in maternal and fetal rhesus monkeys. 49
130 [Environmental Analysis] 잔류농약분석에 이용하는 LCMSMS 188
129 [Environmental Analysis] Application of GC-TOF mass spectrometry for target and non-target analysis of pesticide residues in … 300
128 [Clinical Research] An iTRAQ approach to quantitative proteome analysis of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with tuberc… 139
127 [Clinical Research] 액체-액체 추출법 (Liquid-liquid extraction) 의 이해 239
126 [Clinical Research] 고체상 추출법 (Solid phase extraction) 의 이해 346
125 [Clinical Research] Automated SPE-LC/MS/MS Assay for 25-OH Vitamin D Metabolites from Serum 98
124 [Clinical Research] 신생아 및 미숙아를 대상으로 하는 임상시험 평가 가이드라인 100
123 [Clinical Research] Misleading measures in Vitamin D analysis: A novel LC-MS/MS assay to account for epimers and isobars 89
122 [Clinical Research] Comprehensive investigation of the influence of acidic, basic, and organic mobile phase compositions… 73
121 [Clinical Research] 생체시료를 LC/MS/MS 분석 시 나타나는 Matrix effect 의 최소화 117