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전체게시물 312

번호 제   목 조회
120 [Clinical Research] Quantitative Bioanalysis by LC-MS/MS: A Review 103
119 [Clinical Research] MALDI-TOF : High-Throughput Identification of Bacteria and Yeast by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry in C… 269
118 [Clinical Research] Mass spectrometry-based salivary proteomics for the discovery of head and neck squamous cell carcino… 72
117 [Clinical Research] Rapid Analysis of Steroid Hormones by GC/MS 82
116 [Clinical Research] ICP-MS 를 이용한 모발 검사 162
115 [Clinical Research] Phenylketonuria (페닐케톤뇨증)의 진단을 위한 Mass spectrometry 의 활용 자료 241
114 [Clinical Research] Proteomic studies in breast cancer (Review) 187
113 [Food safety] Detection of zilpaterol (Zilmax®) in calf urine and faeces with liquid chromatography–tandem ma… 152
112 [Food safety] Application of Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry to the Analysis of Sugars and Sugar-Alcohol 52
111 [Food safety] 니트로퓨란계 항상물질의 대사물질 추적 - 잔류양 검사법을 위한 개정 내… 126
110 [Food safety] Determination of the N-Nitrosamine Content in Rubber Articles Using the Agilent 7000A Triple Quadrup… 214
109 [Food safety] 식품 중 부정물질 분석법(증보판) 파일 공유 - 식약청 자료 118
108 [Food safety] General Sample Preparation Procedure for Drug Residues in food - Part III 67
107 [Food safety] General Sample Preparation Procedure for Drug Residues in food - Part II 53
106 [Food safety] General Sample Preparation Procedure for Drug Residues in food - Part I 52
105 [Food safety] 식품에서 잔류 약물 분석을 위해 극복해야 할 주요 문제점 및 SPE 방식의 소… 112
104 [Food safety] Resteck 사의 Aquous Ultra C18 컬럼을 적용한 LCMSMS에서 잔류농약280종 검출 applicati… 80
103 [Food safety] Determination of diclazuril, toltrazuril and its two metabolites in poultry tissues and eggs by gel … 88
102 [Food safety] 식품공전 잔류농약 분석법 실무해설서-식약청발간 109
101 [Food safety] Evaluation of a rapid screening method for chemical contaminants of concern in four food-related mat… 65
100 [Food safety] Evaluating a direct swabbing method for screening pesticides on fruit and vegetable surfaces using d… 45
99 [Food safety] Rapid control of Chinese star anise fruits and teas for neurotoxic anisatin by Direct Analysis in Re… 43
98 [Food safety] LCMSMS를 이용한 식품에 함유된 농약분석 167
97 [Food safety] [Books] Chemical Analysis of Antibiotic Residues in Food 129
96 [Food safety] ESI-Q-TOF 를 이용한 사료 내의 퀴놀론계 항진균제의 검출 및 분석법에 대한 … 159
95 [Biotechnology] LC/MS/MS determination of nitrofuran metabolite residues in honey 218
94 [Biotechnology] Urinary metabolic profiling identifies a key role for glycocholic acid in human liver cancer by ultr… 102
93 [Biotechnology] Analytical Methods for Holistic Metabolite Profiling in Systems Biology Studies 120
92 [Biotechnology] Amyloidosis 의 tryping 에서의 mass spectrometer 의 활용에 관한 review paper 110
91 [Biotechnology] Tandem mass spectrometry : Detection and Evaluation of Penicillins and Their Metabolites in Blood an… 156
90 [Biotechnology] Newborn Screening about inborn error of metabolism by MS/MS 220
89 [Biotechnology] Liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry in drug metabolism studies 141